
Learn how to use ProfitGreen's useful alert system so that you never miss out on buying at the bottom and selling at the top.

Get notified by ProfitGreen when a particular event occurs with a ticker, such as it dipping below a certain price or increasing by a few percent. Never worry about missing out on a great buy price or the perfect sell price because ProfitGreen has your back!

Getting Notified

ProfitGreen notifies you via DMs when an alert is triggered, so make sure you have your DMs enabled with ProfitGreen so that you get the notification.


/alerts price view

View all price alerts that you have previously set.

/alerts price add <ticker> <alert_price>

Set a price alert on the specified ticker for the alert price so you get notified when it reaches that price.

/alerts price remove <ticker>

Remove a price alert you previously set on the specified ticker. If you have multiple price alerts, you will be prompted to click a button corresponding to the price alert you wish to remove.

Last updated