
Learn how to use the simple, but powerful charting commands available on ProfitGreen allowing you to view useful technical charts within Discord.


/chart candles<ticker> [time_period]

Displays a candlestick chart for a ticker. The time_period argument is optional and if it is not supplied, buttons will be displayed under the chart to adjust the time period.

/chart ta <ticker>

Displays a technical analysis chart with pre-plotted indicators for the specified ticker. Note: This feature is not available for crypto

/chart tv<ticker> [indicator] [interval]

Shows a price chart from TradingView that you can plot technical indicators on and set the time interval of.

/chart compare <ticker1> <ticker2>

Displays a historical price comparison chart that shows the percent change over time of the two tickers provided.

/heatmap <index>

Shows a heatmap of all the stocks in the chosen index.

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